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Test Your Knowledge

This site aims to provide comprehensive information on the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of growth hormone deficiency (GHD). Take the quiz to test your knowledge.
What is the prevalence of GHD in children?
Select one.
What are some of the symptoms children with GHD may experience?
Select one.
Once growth hormone (GH) is in the blood, it increases production of what other hormone?
Select one.
GH is important for what?
Select one.
GH is produced in what gland?
Select one.
Diagnosis of GH in children may include what type of testing?
Select one.
Treatments for GH deficiency may involve taking?
Select one.
What do you call a doctor who specializes in growth-related disorders in children?
Select one.

Test Your Knowledge

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    You will now be redirected to learn more about a treatment option for children with GHD.